jungle cock

Jungle Cock Cape Grade "B" and Grade "C". A high count of nicely coloured nails. About half of the nails are split but are easily fixable with nail polish. Please email us before ordering full capes. They are available in limited amounts and are very seasonal!

Please note that any of our Jungle Cock is only available to our Canadian Customers.

All capes and nails currently out of stock - Sorry!

jungle cock Spade Plumes

On the Jungle Cock Cape, usually the front half (or so) are the much desired eyes, the feathers that are famously used on so many classic salmon flies. The rear half of the cape is made up of the spade feathers. Beautiful plumes that have the distinctive white borders and white strip running down the center. They have historically been used on very classic streamer patterns as "cheeks". Many tube tyers are now using them as cheeks on tubes for steelhead as well as salt water patterns. We often use them with the Jungle Cock eyes to make a stunning "cheek" to our tubes!

A couple of our tubes using Jungle Cock Spades as cheeks!

Jungle Cock Spades

$5.99 per package of 10
